Monday, April 19, 2010

An Idea for Tournament Gifts & Tee Prizes - #1

We have all played in tons of tournaments... Whether its at our home course, a member-guest or with our regular foursome... Some of us have had to actually plan the event -- I feel your pain so here is the first of many ideas for your tee prizes. Many of the golf gifts & accessories by Navika can be customized with the logo of your club or the tournament name!

Bag Tags - This is a fun easy gift that can be customized and won't break your budget! It is a shiny silver "Iron" shaped tag that can be used on your golf bag or even your luggage! It can be used for Women, Kids and Men...

Call us at 1-800-NAVIKA-1 (628-4521) or email for Price Quote & more information!!

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